Thursday, March 31, 2016


Alright, I'm going to need to figure out a better option for taking these photos....self time and propping the Iphone up isn't working so well!

Today was a blah day.  I woke up in a bad mood, it's cold snowy/rainy today and I was tired.  So I threw on what I'd call the work uniform.  Black skinnies, black flats, solid shirt and a cardigan.  Boring, I know, but easy.

 Didn't do my hair today, and have very minimal makeup on.  Let's be honest....these days will always happen.  I think I need a better quick makeup routine. at least adding some lipstick maybe?? Confession - I don't even own a lipstick.  Guess I'm going shopping! Do you have a go-to lipstick to recommend?

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Welcome to Style Me, I need YOUR help!

I'm Katie, a 30 year old who needs style help.  Here is the lowdown: I'm a Mom to a 6 (almost 7 year old), I'm girlfriend to a great guy and I work in Real Estate.  I'm on a quest to feel pretty.  Sounds vain, doesn't it?  I'm in a rut though!  I've lost some weight over the last few years, still need to lose more, but I've kind of just accepted my body for what it is, and have embraced it.  The problem I'm facing is my blah style.  I try to step out of my comfort zone and switch things up, but I always fail.

Here is where I need YOUR help!  I'm going to take photos (crappy Iphone photos, I'm warning you now!) of my hair, makeup and outfit most days.  I want your honest opinions, what should I change?  What did I do wrong?  TELL ME!  There are days when I walk out the door feeling like crap because I know I look like crap, but my go-to outfit is black pants, shirt and black cardigan.  I need to break out of that!

So let's get started with today's look:

This purple wrap dress, I just got from this month's StitchFix box.  I kept it because I think the style of dress is pretty flattering on me, and it's not black.  I am not sure I own anything purple actually, so I thought it might be a step in the right direction.  I paired it with black tights, for two reasons: 1) I am pasty white 2) I live in Colorado and it's still pretty chilly for bare legs.

Hair and Makeup - did the usual, curling wand for some looser waves.  Makeup - god I'm bad with makeup.  Foundation, powder, blush and some dark shadow on my eyes.  I feel like I could use lots of advice in this!

So rate my outfit, tell me what I should change, what you like, ditch the whole look?  Be brutally honest!

Interested in trying StitchFix?  Use my referral link then let me know what you think!

I've joined the StitchFix Link up at Crazy Together!